Auto Accident Whiplash Injuries

Auto Accident Whiplash Injuries

Much of the following information is derived from an article in the Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2009. Whiplash injuries are generally considered soft tissue injuries of the neck with symptoms such as neck pain and stiffness, shoulder weakness, dizziness, headache,...
Miss and Run Vehicle Accidents

Miss and Run Vehicle Accidents

You are driving down a two-lane highway when an oncoming car enters your lane. Enough to force you off the road causing you to hit a tree or light pole head-on. Your life is saved by your front airbag, but you are still injured sufficiently enough to go to the...
Vehicle and Pedestrian Accidents: What You Need to Know

Vehicle and Pedestrian Accidents: What You Need to Know

When a vehicle hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian usually ends up with more significant injuries than the driver of the vehicle. Laws tend to protect the pedestrian, and that makes sense. For an unprotected human being, a vehicle is akin to a guided missile. Pedestrian...
A Horrific Interstate Accident and a .8M Settlement

A Horrific Interstate Accident and a $1.8M Settlement

Early one morning, a tow truck operator was heading down Indiana interstate I-69 just south of Hamilton Town Center on a call for a broken-down box truck sitting on the right-side berm. He pulled in front of the box truck with his emergency lights flashing in the...